Traditional Chinese Medicine

What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a part of a complete system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which has been practiced in China for many thousands of years. It is a form of alternative medicine in which tiny, hair-thin needles are inserted into different points throughout the body - called acupuncture points. This stimulates the nervous system to release natural painkillers and boost immune system cells, healing your body in the process. Its goal is to balance the whole person—physically, mentally and emotionally.  This medicine includes not only Acupuncture but also Cupping, Gua sha, Diet suggestion, Exercise suggestion, Life style suggestion.

What Is Acupuncture Good For?

  • Stress management ( Anxiety, Irritability, Depression, Low will power, etc. )

  • Digestive problems ( IBS, Acid Reflux, Heartburn, Diarrhea, Constipation, Bloating sensation, etc. )

  • Women's health ( PMS, Menopause, Mood swing, Fertility, etc. )

  • Cosmetic Acupuncture (Slowing down the aging of the skin)

  • Pain management ( Headaches, Migraines, Body pain, emotional pain, etc. )

  • Seasonal allergy (Boost immune system, Sinus congestion, Runny nose, etc. )

  • Post concussion syndrome                                                    

    and more!

Consultation (Including Acupuncture treatment)

Your initial consultation with an R.Ac involves discussion about your current symptoms and medical history as well as your sleeping patterns, appetite, digestion, and general wellbeing. Women may also be asked about their menstrual cycle and any past pregnancies and child birth. 

You might think some questions appear unrelated to your condition but the information you provide helps your R.Ac form a more complete picture of your health.  TCM considers a variety of elements in diagnosis, which as parts of a puzzle, piece together to make up the full picture of your health.  An R.Ac has the training to identify symptoms that will help inform a treatment plan tailored specifically to you.  


Your R.Ac will ask you to either sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Acupuncture is the application of delicate single-use sterilized needles on the skin surface. Acupuncture needles are very small and thin - often many times smaller in diameter than that of a human hair - and significantly smaller than a traditional doctor's syringe. 

Patients often find their acupuncture treatment to be quiet and calming. Many use the treatment as an opportunity to relax, recuperate, and re-balance. 

You can find TCM news HERE!


Initial Treatment………………………...$170

Follow-up Treatment starting at $110